Topic identifier:  ICT-30-2017: Photonics KET 2017
Types of action: RIA Research Innovation action
Contract nr. 779373

Centro Ricerche FIAT S.C.p.A. (CRF)

Centro Ricerche FIAT (CRF) is an industrial organization having the mi ssion to promote, develop and transfer innovation for providing competitiveness to FCA. With a full-time workforce of more than 850 highly trained professionals, CRF fulfills his task by focusi ng on the development of innovative products & materials, implementation of innovative processes development of new methodologies and training of human resources. To properly cover a very wide technological spectrum, CRF developed a global network with national and international institutes; private and public research organizations, universities and companies, through the promotion of common research activities, associations, conferences and seminars and researchers mobility. This network further strengthens the center’s global innovation strategies, the implementation of specific activities locally, creation of know-how and continuous monitoring to enhance competitiveness and further development in areas such as transportation vehicles and components, innovative materials and application technologies, as well as the work on innovative alternative propulsion systems and transmissions. CRF is organized in 4 technical divisions: Process Research, Vehicle and Body, Powertrain and Group Materials Labs. The division “Group Materials Labs” guarantees to the FCA companies the knowledge and applications of the materials from innovation to ensuring the quality of the materials in all phases of product development. GML are the material laboratories for whole FCA group in EMEA. This division is directly involved in the project

Role in the project:

  • Definition of industrial specifications for performance, stability, quality and homogeneity of rear projection screen
  • Specific business plan
  • Characterization and testing of materials
  • Validation of performance of optical output of final demo to meet industrial requirements
Exploitation within automotive market and transfer to Tier1, Tier2 companies;

Significant infrastructure:

Key competences useful for the project:

  • Morphological and superficial characterization: contact angle, AFM, FIB, SEM,)
  • Stereo-optical and confocal microscopy
  • Clean room facility (100m2) for clean-encapsulation
  • Tools for surface evaluation following the FCA standards: UV and Humidity cycles (number 5 chambers), Xenon test (number 5 chambers), linear abrader, scratch test (taber 5 finger tool)
  • Optical assessment: photometric tools: spectrophotometers, radiometers, gonio-reflecometer
  • Digital photocamera (Radiant)

Key personnel involved:

Nello LI PIRA Ph.D.
Nello LI PIRA Ph.D.

Nello LI PIRA Ph.D.

Dr. General Physics, University of Torino, 2000. He obtained a PhD degree at the Polytechnic of Turin in 2010. He currently works as head of Physical Analysis department in Group Materials Labs. He is involved in the development and engineering of functional systems for vehicle applications. He master in surface and coating metrology and plastic electronics since 2009. He has international experiences in EU projects as project coordinator: FP7 ICT PRIAM, FP6 NANOPRIM, and scientific responsible in FP7projects: LAMP, LIGHT-ROLLS, E-STARS. Furthermore, he was involved in the OE-A, EPOSS and OLAE platforms.

Marie Marguerite DUGAND
Marie Marguerite DUGAND

Marie Marguerite DUGAND

Degree in General Physics at Torino University, she is responsible of the Electro Optical Laboratory at the CRF, with particular experience on Optical Devices and Materials Characterisation with IR Thermography, Photometry and Colorimetric and Gonio reflectance tests and she has developed various products and processes control methodologies for FCA (Fiat and Chrysler ). With this expertise she was involved by the EC (since 1999) in the evaluation proposal processes (GROWTH-RTD “Optics and displays”, IST-FET “Open call”, CRAFT “Measurement and testing”, NMP, IST-NMP ”Photonics components”, NEST, CA, Research Training Networks on” Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies” and Research for SMEs), in panel meetings, symposia, and workshops. Marie Marguerite is in the Business Line Group Materials Laboratories.



Dr. General Physics, University of Torino, 2005. He currently works in the Group Materials Labs Dept. at Centro Ricerche FIAT. He is experienced in patterning technologies (FIB, E-beam, photonic crystals) and thin and thick film deposition for lighting, morphological and electrical assessment and metrology. He is the scientific responsible of FP7 and FP6 EU projects: E-stars (ICT), Nanoprim (NMP).

Relevant publications:

  1. “Plasmonic Colors: Toward Mass Production of Metasurfaces” Emil Højlund-Nielsen, Tapio Mäkela, Lasse Højlund, Maksim Zalkovskij, Theodor Nielsen, Nello Li Pira, Jouni Ahopelto, N. Mortensen Anders Kristensen, Wiley Adv. Mater. Technol. 2016, 1600054
  2. “Colour-Difference Measurement Method for Evaluation of Quality of Electrolessly Deposited Copper on Polymer after Laser-Induced Selective Activation” M. Gedvilas, K. Ratautas, A. Jagminienė, E. Norkus, Nello Li Pira, and G. Račiukaitis Nature Publishing Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 22963 (2016)
  3. Handbook of flexible organic electronics, Materials, manufacturing and applications” Chapter 12 Woodhead Publishing in January 2015
  4. “Seeing the whole picture: how printed electronics can find their way into everyday traffic” OPE Organic Plastic Electronics Journal 03-2013
  5. TOWARDS GREEN ELECTRONICS IN EUROPE, Strategic Research Agenda, Organic & Large Area Electronics Dec 2009

Relevant projects/ activities:

  1. PRIAM - Printable functionalities for truly autonomous, intelligent lighting and signalling
  2. systems (FP7-ICT 2009-Coordinator). Grand Agreement no. 248752
  3. SMART-EC - Smart electrochromic active matrix components for stand-alone multifunctional devices (FP7-ICT 2010) Grand Agreement no. 258203
  4. Light-Rolls - High-throughput production platform for the manufacture of light emitting components (FP7-2009 NMP) Grand Agreement no. 228686
  5. Smartonics -Large-scale integrating Project “Development of smart machines, tools and processes for the precision synthesis of nanomaterials with tailored properties for Organic Electronics” (FP7-NMP.2012) Grand Agreement no. 310229
  6. E-STARS Efficient Smart sysTems with enhanced eneRgy Storage (FP7-ICT 1008) Grand Agreement no. 223927



Italian National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development


Francesco Antolini (Project coordinator)
ENEA - Photonics Micro and Nanostructures Laboratory Frascati Research Centre Rome


Italian National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)
Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology (FEP)
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA-leti)
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UniMORE)
Ekspla UAB
Centro Ricerche FIAT S.C.p.A. (CRF)
Amsys, Ltd. Advanced Measurement Systems (AMSYS)
School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St Andrews (USTAN)